I am glad to report that the whole family is feeling a lot better this week! The husband's finger is taking a little time healing. He is a diabetic so any cut or wound takes forever to heal. This one was a doozy . . . I do not normally have a weak stomach. I grew up with two older brothers and let me tell you, there wasn't anything "Girlie" about my childhood! I have seen broken bones, smashed fingers, you name it. But this one grossed me out! He smashed it somehow and split the whole thing open. I will spare you the details but the doctor at the hospital said there was no way to put stitches in it - there was nothing to stitch to. So, he brings this busted finger home and needs the bandages changed out each day. YUCK! I try to do what I can without looking at it but it doesn't work. Luckily, things are a little healed so it isn't as bad.
Anyway, both kids are feeling much better. The bug only stuck with them for a day or two and then it was gone. Thank goodness! As for me, I feel a little better too. I could not hardly move over the weekend thanks to 3 injections the doctor gave me last week. I go tomorrow for the results from my MRI so we will see how that goes. In my wildest dreams, I would have never imagined that a little wreck would have caused so much damage to my neck and back. I feel like I was ran over with the car instead of driving it! I don't think the folks that pulled out in front of me were even injured! That is what gets me!
On to more pleasant things! With the usual hussle and bussle of this time of year, we all tend to forget things! Heck, I tend to forget things even when it isn't Christmastime! I came home from work today to find a package waiting for me. It was the giveaway that I won from Tammy at
The Olde Hollow Crow! Of course, being so impatient, I tore right into the box without snapping a shot of how cute everything was wrapped! Boy did I hit the jackpot!
I got a wonderful handmade stitching that reads "He is the Light", 2 star shaped Sleighbell scented tarts, a bundle of prim chenille candy canes, a bundle of pip garland, a bottle of the most delicious smelling Room Spray EVER . . . Spiced Cranberry, and 3 handmade candlesticks glued onto an old clothespin. TOO CUTE! I immediately started setting things around the house and realized, "I haven't took a picture yet!"
This picture shows how I put the candlesticks on my tree. They look great next to the gingerbread man that Suzie sent me in the Honeypot Swap! You can also see the cute Mason Jar light covers that I picked up at the Southern Christmas Show.
This was my first Giveaway win and boy, was it worth the wait! You have to get over to Tammy's website and check out her amazing goodies! You will not be disappointed!
Thanks Tammy for such an incredible giveaway!
I also wanted to share pictures from the Waxhaw Christmas parade on Sunday afternoon.
My husband and I love these guys!
This is our local High School band - GO PARKWOOD!

These guys are with the Shriners - They play the coolest music on these big steel drum barrels!

Of course bringing up the rear of the parade - SANTA himself stopped by our little town!
Last but not least, my dear friend, Merrie over at Where the Blackbirds Sing, asked me about our Bulldog, Cane. She has several English Bulldogs and we love to talk about them! I wanted to show everyone that he loves Christmas! 
He stands there forever watching the lights. I think he is trying to figure out how to eat those ornaments without getting caught! Sorry for the long post this time but I had so much to share!
I hope everyone has a great week!